Freezer Rum Fudge


This refined sugar-free, gluten-free, boozy and very chocolatey freezer rum fudge is a cool summer treat that wont bust your diet.


Freezer Rum Fudge

(Makes about 20 medium squares)


100 gms rolled oats, lightly toasted 
110 gms raw almonds
1/2 cup + 1 tbsp coconut sugar (use regular or brown sugar if you prefer)
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 
25 gms unsweetened desiccated coconut 
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 
Pinch of salt 
100 gms double cream 
25 gms rum (coconut rum works well)
1 tsp pure vanilla/orange/mint extract 


Pulse the oats, almonds and coconut sugar in a high speed blender until finely ground.

Transfer to a bowl and whisk in the cocoa powder, desiccated coconut, cinnamon and salt.

Stir in the cream, rum and extract until the mixture comes together.

Spread on a greased tray, garnish with any toppings of your choice and freeze until set.

Cut into squares and enjoy.

Store in an airtight container in the freezer.
