Kaju Katli Kulfis

Enjoy the flavor of one of India’s most loved mithai frozen on a stick. Surprise your guests (and your tastebuds) with this cool, creamy and delicious treat. 

I made and photographed this recipe for a client last year. Sharing it here today because it’s perfect for the festive season and who doesn’t love a luscious kulfi, no matter what the weather. I made two separate batches (with erythritol and sugar) and both turned out well. Because of its cool aftertaste, I find erythritol works better in cold desserts. FYI, sticking the edible silver leaf (warq) on the cold kulfis was a legit pain. I did it for the photos, but I don’t recommend it. The kulfis taste just as good without it.


Kaju Katli Kulfis

(Makes 6 kulfis)


1/3 cup + 1 tbsp cashew nuts
1/4 cup sugar or erythritol powder
1/2 tsp ground green cardamom
1/2 cup warm milk
1/2 cup single cream (I used Amul Fresh Cream)
Pinch of salt 


Chop 1 tbsp of cashews into small bits and set aside. 

Soak the remaining cashews in the warm milk along with the sugar/erythritol and ground cardamom for 30 minutes.

Transfer the milk and cashews to a high-powered blender and blend until smooth. Add the cream, salt and reserved cashew bits and blend again until well combined. Pour the mixture into kulfi molds and freeze for 40 minutes. Insert wooden skewers/popsicle sticks into the middle of each kulfi and freeze again 4-6 hours or until set. 

Dip the molds into a cup of hot water a few times. Remove the kulfis and serve immediately.